Friday, January 09, 2009

Encouraging news!

No, not on the economy.  That still blows.  However, I recently began a diet of sorts in order to try and look and feel better.  I've been blogging about it a bit here and also joined an internet weight loss blog of sorts with Chris and Ben.  Now, my primary goals with this, which is now being called a routine instead of a resolution, are to feel better, look better, get rid of my belly, not die of obesity or heart attack and lose weight.  I list lose weight last because while clearly that is part of the plan, the actual number, is not as important to me as feeling and looking better.  So im not setting a goal weight or anything at this point.  Anyway as Bryan, a good friend of mine, pointed out it is still important to monitor that number as a gauge.  So at the start of this on Jan 3rd I weighed in at a hefty 299.  Today on the 9th I was 288.  I'm no mathematician, but thats 11 pounds.  Now, I am not getting too excited as I know this will stabilize a bit and I may even go up a bit as my body adjusts.  I am sure it is in shock that I am excercizing every day, drinking so much water, drinking much less soda and eating no cheeseburgers.  But in any case, it is very encouraging to see a tangible result of this new routine so early on.  It makes me redouble my efforts, and is quite encouraging.

Cross posted on The Challenge blog and Twitter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

whoa congrats! good news! nice to get some encouraging feedback from your body so quickly. do you feel any different?

hope all is well! katherine