Monday, January 05, 2009

248 Calories I cannot, will not, but should and need to give up.

As you may know, I am overweight. Fat. Husky.  Thus the nickname The Big One, which I swear Bryan it is going to catch on this year.  I always have been fat except for a brief period between the end of high school and my discovery of beer.  In August of this year I began walking/jogging/running a minimum of 1-2 miles every day.  I even got a nike plus deal for my shoes/iPod which needs a new battery.  The result?  Well, I feel a bit better and my weight in 2008 from 2007 did nothing.  Not up or down.  I suppose it is good that I maintained my weight the entire year, but let's just say that maintained weight is not ideal and is certainly not healthy.  A lady never tells, but lets just say it rhymes with exactly "tree bundred". So, as the cool kids do, I made a resolution and I am sticking to it.  I began today instead of the 1st as I have been battling a particularly nasty case of bronchitis.  I worked hard.  The plan is to still walk/jog/run 1-2 miles per day on the treadmill or on the road weather permitting.  I will couple that with a steady workout on my home gym (seen above) which I've had for years.  The family is also eating better as evidenced by the ratio of produce to crap Emily and I got at the store today.  I am also going to limit myself to no more than 2 sodas a day.  TWO?! you say.  thats terrible!  248 calories!  Well, I love soda, Coca Cola Classic in particular and 2 a day is waaaayy less than what i normally consume so cut me some slack.  As my other resolution is to write more, thus the resurrection of the blog, I will periodically post workout updates here.  Encouragement taken in the comments section.


Unknown said...

congrats, rich! best wishes with your resolutions. glad to see you're exercising and cuttin' back on the soda. will add to my google reader so i can keep up on your progress.

Rich AKA The Big One said...

Thanks kkr! I hope to not be fat anymore. actually beiting and I and another dude are doing the first internet weight loss plan, you can follow that here

I encourage you to still read my blog though as well.

Ice Piq said...

This is flab-tastic. Now your Adsense ads at the bottom are about weight loss and calorie tracking. Google makes me laugh, usually.

Really, though. I wish you the best on this endeavor. I'll be with you in spirit and slogging with you in deed, but I have a bit of an advantage in that I've long since grown to love Coke Zero. Not that bad. It kind of ruins the calorie savings when I mix bourbon in, though. I'll try to keep that to weekends. I've also found "Lose It" for iPhone to be a helpful tool in tracking the vittles I throw down my gullet.

Rich AKA The Big One said...

Ice Piq, thanks for the encouragement. Ill check out the app, that may help me track stuff. As for Coke Zero, ive tried it and i have a bottle in the fridge, but i dont think its going to work out. I like my soda full strength, unfortunate calories and high fructose corn syrup and all.