Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Week In Review

Damn.  My blogging is getting to be a once a week deal.  Sorry for the 2 of you that may read this thing.  Anywho, here is another weekly recap.  

After having the city paralyzed for nearly two weeks due to terrible ice and snow storms, a wind storm ripped through the city.  We lost power for a while, but more importantly we lost siding.  Lots and lots of siding.  So if anyone knows siding and likes working for beer, we are hiring some siding contractors.  We'll see how it works out with insurance, we only have a $500 deductible and I imagine the damage is more than that.

Wesley was off school Friday so I took the kids to the Cincinnati Art Museum.  I was nervous that the kids would be bored and it would destroy them culturally for the rest of their lives.  Luckily the program was interesting, timed well and the kids loved it.  All of the kids seemed a bit on the verge of boredom during the tour of the museum, but they held strong.  So I was happy, my kids may have some culture.  

Valentine's Day came this weekend.  Rebecca and I were fortunate enough to get a sitter again and had a nice dinner out.  And my wife once again proved she is the coolest wife ever, by getting me this for Valentine's day.  Thanks Becca!

Working out went well this week, other than the steak dinner I ate pretty darn well.  We'll see how it goes.  I walked darn near three miles today.

This week, looks to be slow.  Only working one day, but this weekend the boys are coming over for some video game action!  

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Week in review.

After two weeks of Hoth-like conditions in Cincinnati, the weather is finally turning.  Over 50 degrees today.  Cloudy and windy, but nice as hell.  The snow and ice are melting and going away. Becca and Wesley went to school most of last week.  As cool as the snow can be sometimes, its nice when it starts to go away.  

The kids are both suffering through a bit of the sniffles.  

Work is still busy.  Today was insane.  I consider it my own little anti recession bubble.  I hope it doesn't burst anytime soon.  

Brad and Kara are scheduled to come over for some videa games this evening.  

Oh Guitar Hero III for the PS3?  your multiplayer options or lack thereof piss me off.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Recap and reboot

OK.  so I said I would not get back on the scale until January after ballooning to 312 mid month.  My heaviest ever.  Which is wild considering, I have certainly worked harder than ever this month.


So I started the month at 299 pounds.  26 of the 31 days of the month I walked on the treadmill 1 1/2 miles. 2 days I walked outside 2 miles.  1 day I did 2 miles at the track at the rec center.  Every other day I did push ups, sit ups and worked on the weight machine.  Every day I did light curling with free weights.  

I dropped from about 6 sodas a day down to 2.  We ate much better, only eating out once or twice.  

About 13 days into the year I had dropped 11 pounds down to 288.  It was the first time I had been on the scale.  I was thrilled.  A couple weeks later I hopped back on the scale and was horrified to be staring at 312 pounds.  I redoubled my efforts and vowed to get back on the scale at the end of the month.  

So here we are.  End of the first month.  And I am staring back at 300 pounds.  Again.  

I feel better.  My arms certainly look better.  Lifting and walking on the treadmill have certainly become easier.  But my belly is as fat as ever and the weight is the same.  

Suggestions?  Encouragement?  

I'll start fresh tomorrow.  Hopefully with a new game plan.

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