Thursday, November 26, 2009


The Thanksgiving holiday is allegedly for reunion, revelry and relaxation, but typically they are full of stress, indigestion and tension instead. Seeing family members you may not particularly want to, awkward reunions with folks home from college, stressing out over getting up at 3 am to save $8 on a hard drive, crappy football. That is the typical reality of Thanksgiving.

But, I think it can and should be a time where even the hardest of hearts, the most stressed out shoppers and those around them can pause to give thanks for the good things in their lives. And if possible share with those with less to be thankful for.

I am incredibly blessed and fortunate. I have an amazing wife, terrific children, wonderful friends, gainful employment, a nice home, and many other smaller, but meaningful things to be thankful and grateful for. We give what we can, when we can to needy folks and encourage are kids to understand how fortunate they are. I am lucky and thankful.

What are you thankful for today?

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